Speed Valley Chapter
Speed Valley Chapter’s mission is to work with landowners and other like-minded groups in preserving, enhancing, and conserving coldwater habitats within the Speed Valley watershed.
Area of Interest
The Speed Valley Chapter’s mission is to work with landowners and other like-minded groups to preserve, enhance, and conserve coldwater habitats within the Speed Valley watershed.
Chapter Description
This chapter works on the creeks and rivers of the Speed River Valley. This work includes bank rebuilding, stream channel narrowing, and temperature and fish population monitoring. The team is also working towards removing dams and reservoirs within this system and renaturalizing the creek around off-line ponds.
Chapter History
Initially, in partnership with the Wellington County Stewardship Council (WCSC), the Speed Valley Chapter worked to help improve water quality and restore habitat for the small, fragile trout population to stabilize and grow the population in Marden Creek. Work on this creek includes dam removal and bypass, bank rebuilding, stream channel narrowing, and temperature and fish population monitoring. The Brook Trout population has rebounded spectacularly because of all the work done, and as of fall 2010, when the last large dam was removed, Brook Trout now has access to the Speed River again.
Chapter President: Alex Meeker
Contact: speedvalleytu@gmail.com