The City of Calgary Supports Yellow Fish Road-The City of Calgary has proudly partnered with Trout Unlimited Canada’s Yellow Fish Road (YFR) program for over 10 years with the common goal of managing the City of Calgary’s storm water carefully to ensure the health of its rivers.
Storm water education plays a critical role in water management and Yellow Fish Road engages Calgarians with a hands-on opportunity to become stewards of their waterways.
As an established and successful program, YFR reaches youth about storm water in an effective way. TUC sees continued growth in the YFR program within the city and in 2016 over 2,000 storm drains were painted and 7,500 door hangers were delivered in Calgary. More importantly, YFR provided quality educational programming to over 100 classrooms and groups reaching 2,500 youth. YFR’s curriculum-based programs connect participants of all ages to their watershed and reinforce the importance and value of a healthy watershed.
TUC is pleased to continue this important partnership with the City of Calgary, believing that the most effective way to encourage water management is to provide people with the knowledge and skills to make a positive change in their own actions. The YFR program provides just such an educational resource, building knowledge and adjusting personal behaviour in a unique and engaging way.